Food Industry Donations

Food retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers can help fight hunger in Oklahoma by donating product to the Regional Food Bank. This supply chain alternative benefits you and the one in six Oklahomans facing hunger.

The Regional Food Bank was one of the first food banks in the country to receive USDA certification. Last year, we distributed 56.5 million pounds of food across 53 counties in central and western Oklahoma. Our warehouse provides 199,000 square feet of space including dry storage, freezer and cooler space. The Regional Food Bank distributes food via a fleet of refrigerated trucks and trailers.

  • Enhanced tax-deductions
  • Donating food saves on disposal costs
  • There is no transportation fee; food is picked up free of charge
  • Floor space savings with storage of surplus food
  • Support the community where you do business and your employees live
  • Protected by the Good Faith Donor Bill and the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act
  • Bulk or food service size
  • Close to code items
  • Customer returns or refusals
  • Discontinued items
  • Mislabeled items
  • Out of code with extended use-by dates
  • Overruns
  • Packaging changes
  • Partial cases
  • Prepared and perishable items
  • Promotional or seasonal items
  • Reclamation or salvage products
  • Test product inventory
  • Unlabeled

When considering a donation of surplus or unsellable product, contact the Regional Food Bank for donation assistance. We can simplify the process by helping you do the following:

  • Determine types of food or grocery product that can be donated
  • Discuss frequency of donations
  • Design a convenient product pickup schedule
  • Consider what receipts and acknowledgements are needed
  • Discuss any concerns you may have
Download the Food Procurement Brochure

Questions? Contact Us:

Phone: 405-600-3190