Feb. 23, 2021 – The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma has revealed the new name of the client-choice pantry it owns and operates that is located in Moore: the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Food & Resource Center (the Regional Food Bank FRC). The new name is more inclusive to the areas served by the pantry and complements the Regional Food Bank’s new brand.

“This change helps to underline the reach and important work of our staff at the Regional Food Bank FRC,” said Stacy Dykstra, chief executive officer of the Regional Food Bank. “The new name and new look help to inform the public of the important work of this program in the communities it serves.”

The Regional Food Bank FRC, located at 2635 N. Shields, originally began as a temporary crisis relief site following the May 2013 tornadoes that impacted the Moore area. The need for food and other assistance in Moore, south Oklahoma City and Norman became apparent and the building was remodeled and opened as an FRC in 2014.

One of 15 FRCs in the organization’s network, the Regional Food Bank FRC typically allows individuals to shop in a grocery-store like setting. This allows people to select the food their family will eat which helps to reduce food waste and provides dignity. The Regional Food Bank FRC also connects individuals to additional resources. In the past year, the Regional Food Bank FRC distributed more than 1.7 million pounds of food to Oklahomans in need of food assistance.

“Our organization has been on the front lines of the fight against hunger for more than 40 years,” Dykstra said. “Being identifiable as a program of the Regional Food Bank lets the public know this FRC is a place they can visit to get the food assistance they need.”

The process of changing the logo for the Regional Food Bank began in 2019, in preparation for the organization’s 40th anniversary in 2020. The rebrand was paid for by donations specified for the efforts and secured in 2019.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Regional Food Bank FRC currently distributes food to anyone in need of food assistance during drive-through distributions at the following hours:

Monday: 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
3rd Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Learn more about the work done by the Regional Food Bank FRC by visiting rfbo.org/frc.